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A total of 50 schools listed
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1802
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:5%
- Number of students enrolled:516
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1858
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:7%
- Number of students enrolled:616
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1886
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:4%
- Number of students enrolled:916
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1553
- Is there GCSE:Yes
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:2%
- Number of students enrolled:950
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1584
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:10~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:2%
- Number of students enrolled:1044
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:All-Boys' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1550
- Is there GCSE:Yes
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:4%
- Number of students enrolled:565
- Is there A-Level:Yes
- Type of school:All-Boys' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1552
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:3%
- Number of students enrolled:1115
- Is there A-Level:No
彼谢普斯托福学院Bishop’s Stortford College
View Details →
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1868
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:587
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1928
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:2%
- Number of students enrolled:690
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:All-Girls' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1906
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:5%
- Number of students enrolled:485
- Is there A-Level:No