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A total of 295 schools listed
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1894
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:8~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:157
- Is there A-Level:
丁克洛斯预备学校Dean Close Preparatory School
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- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1886
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:7~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:310
- Is there A-Level:
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1877
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:8~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:604
- Is there A-Level:
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1614
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:7~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:142
- Is there A-Level:
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1848
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:8~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:215
- Is there A-Level:
格德斯多预备学校Godstowe Preparatory School
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- Type of school:All-Girls' schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1900
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:7~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:333
- Is there A-Level:
哈兹莱格罗夫预备学校Hazlegrove Preparatory School
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- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1947
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:2~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:297
- Is there A-Level:
海菲尔德预备学校Highfield Prep School
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- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1965
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:8~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:300
- Is there A-Level:
- Type of school:All-Boys' schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1888
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:7~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:108
- Is there A-Level:
坎特伯雷国王预备学校The Junior King’s School, Canterbury
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- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Prep School
- Year of Establishment:1879
- Is there GCSE:
- Student age groups:7~13
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:321
- Is there A-Level: