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A total of 295 schools listed
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1913
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:7%
- Number of students enrolled:311
- Is there A-Level:Yes
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1642
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:3%
- Number of students enrolled:874
- Is there A-Level:No
玛格丽特皇后学校Queen Margaret’s School, York
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- Type of school:All-Girls' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1901
- Is there GCSE:Yes
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:6%
- Number of students enrolled:345
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:All-Girls' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1894
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:460
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:All-Girls' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1885
- Is there GCSE:Yes
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:2%
- Number of students enrolled:680
- Is there A-Level:Yes
巴斯皇家中学The Royal High School Bath GDST
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- Type of school:All-Girls' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1864
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:4%
- Number of students enrolled:505
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1432
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:15%
- Number of students enrolled:1123
- Is there A-Level:No
谢伯恩女子学校Sherborne Girls School
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- Type of school:All-Girls' schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1899
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:4%
- Number of students enrolled:488
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed School (sixth form)
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1959
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:11~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:
- Number of students enrolled:470
- Is there A-Level:No
- Type of school:Co-ed schools
- Nature of school:UK Boarding
- Year of Establishment:1552
- Is there GCSE:No
- Student age groups:13~18
- Oxbridge Progression Rate:11%
- Number of students enrolled:770
- Is there A-Level:No